Sunday, July 14, 2013

Goddesses of Revenge

They say, revenge in Greek mythology began when the gods were angry with the race of men. Pandora was the first woman down to earth placed by Zeus. She was given a box by gods and told her to never look inside of it. She lived many years until she got really curious of what was inside the box and took a peak. All because of Pandora’s curiosity, mischief, revenge and other awful things got unleashed into the world.

As I was searching, I have read this some sort of a history about "Nemesis" in the website of Theoi Greek Mythology.

"Nemesis was the goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. She was a personification of the resentment aroused in men by those who committed crimes with apparent impunity, or who had inordinate good fortune."

Nemesis was one of the extraordinary number of gods and goddesses worshipped by the Ancient Greeks. In myth, she was concerned with the matters of love. She was an avenging agent in Narkissos and Nikaia stories. In Trojan war versions, she was Helene's mother and is shown seduction scenes by Paris pointing an accusing finger at the girl.

The legend and myth about her has been passed down through the ages and plays an important role in the history of the Ancient World and the study of Greek classics. She was described as remorseless goddess, intent on her task which was "to give what is due", an avenging or punishing divinity. Her name derives from the Greek words meaning "dispenser of dues."

She was the daughter of Nyx, the dark goddess of nights and Erebus, the primeval god of darkness. She was also called as Rhamnousia or the goddess of Rhamnous, and was the spirit of divine retribution. Another name was Adrasteia, meaning “the inescapable”. Wheel (symbolized the rapidity with which Nemesis executed justice and later the wheel of fortune), wings (symbolized her role as the avenger of evil gifted with magic and the power of flight), whip or sword (represents the right of Nemesis to "to give what is due") are her three symbols. She got seven siblings namely; Moros, Geras, Thanatos, Hypnos, Eris, Charon, and Keres. Nemesis was described as a beautiful and thoughtful woman.

But Greek mythology also said that Erinyes are the Goddesses of Revenge and Retribution. Erinyes or also known as Furies were cruel earth goddesses who symbolized the divine vengeance. They were three sisters: Alecto, the angry; Megaera, the grudging; and lastly, Tisiphone, the avenger. Furies’ appearances were dreadful creatures with appalling features, burning breath and poisonous blood dripping from their eyes and heads were wreathed as serpents. Their role was to persecute different kinds of crimes, most especially the murder inside a family. Their lust of punishment knew no bounds, for they kept punishing a sinner even after his death, until he finally would show remorse.

I also found this history about "Erinyes" in the same website, The Theoi Greek Mythology.

"They were depicted as ugly, winged women with hair, arms and waists entwined with poisonous serpents. They wielded whips and were clothed either in the long black robes of mourners, or the short-length skirts and boots of huntress- maidens."

Actually, many religions promote the idea of Divine Vengeance. It means you’re not capable to judge a person’s behavior and give punishment to retaliate for their bad behavior if you’re not a god or superior. As for the Christian beliefs/traditions, every person has to face their so called, judgment day upon their deaths. It’s either you live in heaven or suffer in hell.

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